Hey Al! I must say that you are very quickly getting the hang of this 'ol blog thing. Great post by the way....I was a little nervous seeing you on a frozen lake, but it didn't look like you were going to break any ice, so I guess it's ok. (miles looked super cute in his sweater, too.) I don't know if I would be as brave though! I'm starting to wonder if the weather will shape up for our visit in May though...I have a feeling that it might be a little colder than I'm hoping. We'll see though. As for the "Fika" thing you guys do...that's pretty cool and funny that Anders decided to change it! I hope they are doing well. Jenny is probably getting huge by now! I can't remember what she's having, but do tell them that if they have that baby before I get there...I will baby sit free of charge:)

Here's a couple pictures of the buildings surrounding the park:

A couple of me and sam.

And I have to show you this picture of my other favorite "thing" right now. It's Parker Brown. He's about 14 months old now and Jon and Melissa say he's walking all over the place. We skyped them last weekend so we could see him in action since we missed it during Christmas and it was crazy....I miss him so much and hope to see him soon!

love you!