Allllie!!! I'm so sorry it's been awhile. I'm still over here truckin' along...just haven't found much time to get a post up lately with all the house stuff i'm trying half killing myself to finish. We are slowly making progress and I'll put some pictures up soon.
Loved your post! I'm so happy to hear that things are warming up and hope it looked so cute in your sunglasses and short sleeves:) I kind of forgot how shockingly white beautifully pale you get in the winter....not that I can say much for my ghostly looking skin right now either. It's pretty sad....and I had every intention to layout this weekend but that didn't pan out. And props on finally joining a gym...wish you could have done that years ago with me. i'm just going to dump my camera on your for a minute. Bear with me, this might get a little jumbled.
On Friday, Sam's parents and Eileen decided to make a quick trip over to see us, take us dinner, and help us do some stuff around the house. It was so good to see them:

And dinner was lovely even though my salad came without salad dressing and the weather was perfect:)

(This picture is a little blurry.)
Saturday was super productive in several ways. I think I mentioned that we are getting our laundry room repaired because we discovered some chinese drywall in the inspection process, and that stuff is terrible not good to have hanging around. So they started the demo process Saturday morning and now our laundry room looks like this:
In all seriousness, we are glad it's being done because the current setup was not very practical absolutely stupid. The washing machine was draining through a punched in hole in the wall to the unfinished shower drain on the other side of the bathroom.?. Wow. So that led to this situation: not doing laundry for 5 weeks b/c we can't use our washer/dryer. ouch.

(it only took me 5 simultaneous loads at the laundry mat this afternoon, and so many quarters I could have bought another washer.)
Sorry...back to Saturday. The Browns came over early that morning and brought us Starbucks:) Then we packed up and went rug shopping. They wanted to know what they could get us for a "house warming" present and we definitely need a more appropriately sized rug in this room now. So we are super appreciative, and after some discussion with Sam (who's only concern was finding something that was soft enough he could "take his shoes off and lay on"), we agreed on a nice, neutral, short shag. It should be here in a couple weeks. So pumped.
After we had some more food, we came home to "work on the house." Lynette was so nice to unload some boxes and help me get a little more organized. And then I realized that we were missing a few hands...this is where I found all three of them:

So lazy cute. haha.
The Browns headed out about 3 and Sam and I did some painting. I'm redoing my dining room chairs for the 3rd time? ha.

Most importantly, we had a GREAT Easter Sunday. We somehow managed to go to all three services yesterday morning, and I wouldn't have had any other way. (I actually kept the nursery during the 2nd service, thinking that Sam was going to go read, but he ended up going to hear the service again, and then again at 11.)
We went to 8 am service to see some of our great friends Kevin and Kenzie Graffeo get baptized:) (You remember Kevin, he's one of Brian Odie's friends?) It was a beautiful sight:

Then, we had to stay for the 11 a.m. service to see another couple in our small group, Brad and Elena Collins, get baptized too!
It was a long morning, but great to be around friends on such a special day. Sunday afternoon Sam took me to this park up the road from our house called Ruffner Mountain. All I knew is that it would consist of some trails....not a half mile uphill climb for the first 15 minutes. I forget how ridiculously out of shape I am until I try to hike up a hill and then feel my heart pouding through my head within about 37 seconds. Pretty sad.
But it was a great little adventure walk...and after some complaining a little break, we made it up to the top of the look out point and I was surprisingly impressed. It's nice to see these little expanses of nature tucked away in the middle of a big city.

Sam way too close to the edge investigating the surroundings.
After a quick snack, we celebrated my feat with a picture (for you) and made our way back down.

(No....Sam is not a vampire, I just snapped the picture mid-kiss)

Whew! Almost to the car, and I'm happy about that!
Hope you liked our weekend of adventures:) All I can say is 3 weeks, Al. 3 weeks.
Love you,