Yes...unfortunately about a week ago, we had our first experience with a break-in. Al, you never think it is going to happen until it does! Whoever the bandits were, they made off with our tv's and my laptop! All my pictures and files....gone. Not mention the door and window they shattered in the process. I really wish we could have caught those guys too! I am so thankful that we were not home! It could have been a lot worse, so we are still very fortunate. So that is why I have been a little MIA lately....I am however, looking forward to our beach trip with the Browns next week! Two more days until VACATION finally starts!
We are headed up to the coast of South Carolina, near Myrtle Beach and I am PUMPED! I'll have limited access to posting pictures but will do my best to let you know how it's going!
In the meantime, let me know what you've been doing over there! I need pictures woman!!! p.s. hug Henry for me too:)