Hey Whit...Sorry it's taken me a few days to write back. I'll have to get better at blogging...This is a picture from a walk Bjorn and I took a few days ago. I think it's pretty...even if we almost froze to death on top of the bridge where we took the picture:)
I don't think I told you this, but guess what? A few days ago, right when I got my hopes up that it might be finally be turning to spring, it snowed. A lot. I was not happy about it either. The weather has since been trying to redeem itself for that little mishap with temperatures that sometimes reach mid 40's, but I haven't totally forgiven it yet. If it can stay slightly warmer through the weekend, I might decide to move on.
Oh! I told you that on our birthday I had a big test at my school to move up to the last course, and I passed! So I started this new course this week, which is definitely harder. It's better to have a challenge though...
So... I know we can't get a dog yet, but that hasn't stopped me from looking up different dogs for sale in Sweden. I know, it's not helpful since we can't have one, but I love looking at puppies. Really, I want a Rudy. I love his funny noises and cute little personality. But apparently, they don't have Yorki-poos in Sweden. They do, however, have "Chorkies" which I had never heard of. It's a Chihuahua/Yorkie combo and just because I had to google it to see what it looked like, I'll put a picture up for you.

In an attempt to get Bjorn to agree to one day have a Yorkie-poo (possibly imported), I asked him if he had to choose would he rather have a Chorkie or a Yorkie-poo. I was thinking this would force him to say he would rather have a Yorki-poo. His reply was, "that would be like choosing if I would rather have the plague or leprosy." Nice. He did end up saying that Rudy was pretty cute, so I'll take what I can get.
On a weirder note...there is this site here called Blocket, which is kind of like a local Ebay, and it seems you can sell pets on there. So I was scrolling through, mostly looking for cute pictures of puppies, and I found a person selling this:

I would not have believed it was real if I hadn't seen it on there myself. I think it's called a "hairless Sphynx"...something like that. I think it looks a little like Yoda.
I liked the pictures of Sam missing one sleeve. I might have thought he got mugged too. I do like that he still had the cuff around his wrist. It's a nice touch. Haha:)
Give me a house update, woman.
Love you.
Al....BAHAHAHA. 'leprosy or the plague!" ha. love it....that chorkie is super cute....wish I could say the same about the the hairless sphynx:( So good to hear from you:) I'll post a house update soon....we're getting closer.