Hey Al! Hope you are having a great week....can't believe we're going to be over there in less than a week...I'm freaking out so excited. Well, since i'm super busy right now, I thought i'd just unload some pictures for you and let them do the talking. Here's a quick recap, last week our small group forewent our normal Thursday night dinner/study time and went to a local donation center for the storm victims. It was great to be apart of that.

group to have a baby:)

Then, we had a crazy wonderful weekend full of family and Mom's fury babies. (Sadie & Rudy)
Everybody got in on Friday and we went to dinner, and then Saturday we cooked out and had a make-shift dinner on the carport patio. I love impromptu things like that:)
Then on Sunday we went over to visit some of our good friends, The Swaffords, who just had their first baby back in October. He's super cute, but spits up every 10 seconds now and then so they decided to keep the clothes off of him. Brilliant.
Ok. that's all I have for now! Have to go to the grocery story to get dinner ready for small group tomorrow night!
Love you!
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