Finally getting back to the blog after the break, but I must say it was nice to just be able to talk to you when you were here. It was seriously so much fun having yall here. And pretty entertaining too.
We had an interesting trip back to the airport in Paris. We were on the RER going to CDG and it just stopped a few stations before Gare du Nord. They made announcements that something was wrong and they had no idea if or when the train would start moving again. So I went and asked a French girl if she had any more info and she said she didn't know, but she asked if we wanted to share a cab to the airport if the train didn't start back in 15 minutes. The train stayed put so we left with her. The problem was that most of the other people on the train had to leave too and we all needed taxis. Luckily, she had the number of a taxi company and had one meet us on the street. There is no telling how long it would have taken Bjorn and I on our own to find a taxi. So we get to the airport and were going to pay for the taxi since she was so helpful but she stopped us and said she talked to her boss and he agreed to pay for it. Pretty cool, huh? I don't know if we would have made our flight at all without her help.
I have a few pictures from the trip, but for the most part I kind of knew you and Dad would take enough for the rest of us:) Here's what I have though...
Logan meditating:)

Austin was a little tired...

At Kaffekoppan

Dinner at Pelikan

So we got back to Malmo and picked up a lot of things from Bjorn's dad's house, including the very "special" table I told you about... I can't believe we fit it all in the car, I don't think we would have except for his dad helping to strap the table to the top of the car...

An Italian friend of Bjorn's named Barbara was at the wedding and let us know that she got her family in Sardinia to send us a package full of things traditionally from that area. Well, when we got back we had a slip in the mail that said we had a package to pick up. It also said it was a 40 lb package. When we went to pick it up it was too big and heavy to carry normally, so Bjorn had to carry it on his head for a while...
By the way, look who's already making good use of his Auburn shirt:)

I can't believe you and Sam bought a baby pool. That is awesome. I'm sure the new neighbor who came by to introduce himself didn't think it was weird at all to find the two on you in there...haha:)
That's all I've got for now, but I hope you're having a good week. I miss yall alot. Keep me updated about this weekend!
Love you,
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