Al....I know it's been a while, but it's been busy here lately. I wanted you to see some pictures of our weekend visiting with Nicole. We had such a great time and it was so special getting to see her again. It was a like seeing an old friend that we haven't seen in a really long time, but also like a sister because she looks and acts so much like us. I was so thankful that Mama was able to see her too. I know she's been praying and dreaming about that day for a really long time, not really knowing if it would become a reality. We wish you could've been there was definitely not complete without you, so we told her you guys would be back in November for Thanksgiving...But for now, a lot of pictures will have to do:)

When we first got to the hospital with Nicole....Mama was so happy to see her!

What's a boiling hot summer day without some Tropical Sno?

Sam: I'm confused, guys what flavor should I get??? hahaha.

Oh, yeah...strawberry with cream is where it's at:)

Dad was honing his master chef skills over the weekend....all the better for us:)

Ever since we got back from France...we have been making this tomato dish...a product of Dad's hard work.


Nicole talking to you on Skype on Sunday....I'm glad we finally got ahold of you!
So I hope you made it through all those pictures! I know Mama looks kind of bad in these pictures but she was actually sitting up in a chair the day after with her feeding tube out. So that was encouraging. I hope you liked the update! Let me know how your week has been when you can!
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