So.....It's been a little crazy around here lately. Let's see if I can catch you up a little bit. I finally decided to get my sewing machine out the other day and try my hand at a few crafts, such as a small curtain and a couple of pillows. Well after two nights of sewing knots into my fabric repeatedly, I finally threw my hands up in the air and quit for a few days (more b/c I was getting ridiculously ticked off and confusing Sam) until Sam's sweet mom came to my rescue over the weekend. Oh yeah, I definitely thought my sewing machine was broken, but she worked on for literally 5 minutes, and figured out that my spindle of thread was facing the wrong direction. (yeah, I felt like a moron.) haha. So here's a sneak peak of what I've been working on. First thing I've been trying to do is spruce of the white vanity in our bathroom....can't replace it right now, but I decided to just give it a little face lift with new paint, some hardware, and a small curtain instead of the doors.
Remember the Before:

Here's the after: (Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I also replaced the mirror, didn't get a picture of that though.)

I have also been revamping some throw pillows. I used one side of an old pillow and sewed the new fabric on to it.

They turned out pretty good. It took me only a couple hours to do all the sewing with a working sewing machine. Who would've thought?

And now to my trip to Jacksonville, FL last weekend. It's no Goose Island, but it was a trip out of town nonetheless! So, I flew to Jacksonville, and the flight was like 55 minutes, which sure beats a 12 hour drive anyday! I was so glad to be able to do that. Thanks to our sweet adopted Aunt and Uncle, Karen and Dennis, the weekend was a grueling success....I say grueling because I didn't get much sleep, and worked/studied way to much. But they sure did bless me with soo much hospitality.
One of those blessings was getting to drive some sweet cars provided by the Roquands. You know I was happy about this.....I mean I like the Green Machine, but at the end of the day, it's a bright green box with wheels. So, day one: Land Rover

Dennis is going to ship this one to Africa in a few months, so that's why he has it.
Days two and three, Karen let me drive her little baby around. It had me at hello-new-car-smell-leather-interior-and-double-sunroof :)
You remember Charlie? He's thriving at Karen's house...still prefers to sleep all day and pick up the ladies at night, but he always comes back in the morning.

After I flew in our Thursday, Dennis took me, and their little nephews to one of their pools. It was super nice.

The little girl in the picture above is Ebony...she is was really cute. Her family was visiting from Lyon, France, so I was able to speak a little french with her and her brother. She's a talker/babbler...I asked her how old she was and her response was: "J'ai six ans et demi et j' encore pee pee dans ma lit!" At first I looked at her, laughed and was like, "Did she just say what I think she said?" Dennis overheard her and said that she did in fact admit that she is "six and half years old and still pees in the bed!" hilarious.

Like I said, this was a work weekend, so I took pictures for some proof that I did actually work.

My huge STEP workbook with all the practicum exercises we reviewed.

Critiquing our exercises after we finished them:

Even though I had to get up super early to drive the 30 minutes to the class each morning...the view going over the bridge was well worth it.
And last but not least, my instructor, Mrs. Donna at the end of the workshop...we were both glad to be done and then just as fast as I got there...I was off to catch a plane back home!

Well...that's what's been going on lately.....I hope you haven't fallen into a lake or something. You still know we have a blog right? haha. j/k. I love you.
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