Hello, Whiggle. It's me, your long-lost sister... You know, the one who mysteriously disappeared quite a few weeks ago. Sorry about that, I promise to get better. So this will be another photo filled blog in an attempt to redeem myself:)
Sooo... what have we been up to the last several weeks, hmmm...
Tove came to Stockholm a few weeks ago to visit. It was a lot of fun to see her here. We went on a long walk in Djurgården and had a picnic.
Then we ate sushi for dinner...

...And iSwapped our faces on the way home:)

While the guys were at the party, Tove and I got to hang out in Gothenburg. It was such a fun day! We took a boat tour through the city.

This building is called "The Fish Church"
On the way back to Stockholm we dropped Kalle back off where he lives, in Norrköpping. It's such a pretty town. Really nice building with water all around.

Kalle and Bjorn posing for a picture before leaving.
The next weekend was pretty calm. Bjorn and I went to this island in the archipelago that's not far from Stockholm. We packed a picnic for dinner, and ate outside in the beautiful but slightly cold weather. Dad would have loved it:)

The next weekend it was back to the archipelago outside Gothenburg for David and Karin's wedding weekend. They had an amazing tent set up for the reception with with such nice decorations inside. You would have loved it.

Right beside the tent they had guest rooms to stay. It was pretty convenient at the end of the night to just walk upstairs and go to bed...

This is Isak- David and Karin's 1 year old son. He was probably worn out from a weekend with so much going on.

So I'm was a little bit in love with the place they had the ceremony. They were old church ruins set on a pasture with the sea nearby. So beautiful.

David and Karin walked in together

After the ceremony they walked out with Isak. He was pretty cute in his mini-tuxedo.

This was another outdoor sitting area for the reception. The area was totally empty and their friends worked on it to make it look like this... pretty impressive.
David and Karin at the reception

My favorite part of dinner:)

After a very late night, I couldn't be talked into getting out of the car on the ferry on the way home. On a positive note, I would almost call myself a proficient stick-shift driver these days.

Thought I would leave you with another one of Naomi. She decided she would just stop and stare at me after she went down the slide, so I took a picture. I'm really glad I get to hang out with this kid:)

Have I redeemed myself yet? I hope so, because I've about had it with uploading pictures...just kidding:)
Loved your other blogs and I REALLY loved the card you sent today. So sweet. You're the best, Whiggle.
Love you.
al....I love this post! Yes...you have redeemed yourself for now:) I really like the one of you in the car on the ferry. You stubborn child, and your poor husband! Don't forget to call Mama! Can you believe she's 89!?