Wednesday, February 23, 2011

debbie and some purple medicine

al. can i just say that it was one of those days. I mostly love work, but today was rough one, and it left me feeling like I wanted to peace out before I even got to my desk! So, sorry if I sound like Debbie Downer right now..... That brings me to this "purple medicine" I like called "PURPLE HAZE" which is a lovely Raspberry Wheat Brew if you've never had it. haha. You know it's a pretty bad day when I make a point to go and get some beer. I can't even remember the last time I even finished one, much less made a trip for a pack. ha!

Anyway. I'm doing a little better, but I sure do hope tomorrow goes better. We'll see. On the flip side, we've been having some very pleasant 70 degree days here for the last few days. I even slapped my swimsuit on last weekend at the Sam's parent's house and basked into the warmth of a pre-spring day. I actually got a little pink, and then felt like I was going to pass out for some reason, and decided to go inside and watch a movie (that's beside the point.) is suppose to rain tomorrow. Enough about the weather, even though I'm pretty sure it's still below freezing there, which is crazy. I hope you're not too lonely over there without your hubs this week. I know Miles can only say so much:) haha. Ok...more house details to come...and I have this idea I want to run by you.


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