Sunday, March 20, 2011

what do you say?

Al....hope your week was good, and your weekend was relaxing. We had a busy weekend, but relaxing. How's the job going? I look forward to hearing more about the interesting people you meet at work. I'm sure you run into some funny characters over in that coffee shop.

So....this is random, but hopefully it will bring a smile to your face. Last week, I was sitting on the couch after work, and Sam comes strolling in the door looking like this:
{What the heck do you say when your husband comes walking in the door looking like he just got mugged or something?}
I couldn't even form a sentence at first because I was so scared that he was hurt or something...although he strolled right in trying to play it off like nothing was out of the ordinary. And then he finally told me what happened. In the last few weeks, Sam has somehow rubbed holes in the elbows of ALL his dress shirts. I guess from leaning on his desk to much during the day and talking on the phone. But yes....he's been coming home with holes in his sleeves, and once that happens the shirt is pretty much ruined. Well, apparently one of his buddies in the office thought it would be fun to see if he could rip his sleeve off in one big swoop.... unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned, and he had to rip several times, I was told, to get his sleeve off, but he was successful in the end. So the scare turned out to be no scare at all, just a little too much fun in the office. The really funny part is that Sam was down to ONE shirt after this last one, and had to go shopping today, which is one of his least favorite activities.

On the home front: this is supposed to be the big week for closing on the house, and Sam decided to get started on the packing this afternoon.... our once welcoming guest room has turned into a temporary storage unit for the week as we get things in boxes and stow them away for the move next weekend. I'm not sure if I'll be crazy by the end of the week with everything in such a mess, but I guess I'll just have to live with it for a week. You know, I'm actually a little sad to leave this little apartment/cave (not many windows), but not that sad. I'm really ready to be in this house. More pictures to come, but I just wanted to give you an update.

Let me know how your weekend was!


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